Rethinking Housing Policies

Chapter 4. Commoning
PDF icon #01 "Participatory neighborhood improvement programs: a way par excellence to promote greater urban and territorial equity from the bottom. Zooming onto Latin-American inspirational experience", by IRDPDF icon #02 "Experiences in informal settlement upgrading: Zimbabwe & Namibia", by SDIPDF icon #03 "Slum Upgrading in Latin America", by GPR2CPDF icon #04 "Una lucha por el hábitat, la dignidad y la igualdad", by Madre Tierra, FOTIVBA, HIC PDF icon #05 "Low-income housing finance from commercial banks in Nepal", by ACHRPDF icon #06 "Developing pathways to urban sanitation equality – a case study of the simplified sewerage solution in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania", by CCIPDF icon #07 "Cities for the Right to Housing: The role of rights-inspired local action in addressing the housing crisis in the COVID-19 era", by UCLG CSIPDHRPDF icon #08 "The Community Land Trusts movement in Europe: implementing public-civic partnerships in the production of affordable housing", by FMDVPDF icon #09 "Formalising land tenure without displacement: the Community Land Trust in informal urban contexts", by urbaMonde, CoHabitat NetworkPDF icon #10 "The Right to Remain in Place", by GPR2CPDF icon #11 "Commoning for land and housing in Yangon", by ACHRPDF icon #12 "Urban commons and urban commoning: political-legal practices from Naples, Bologna, and Turin", by the University of Salerno - Department of Political Science and CommunicationPDF icon #13 "Cultural Occupations: Common Spaces. A report on the Occupation Bloc’s construction within the Municipal Secretariat of Culture in São Paulo", by São Paulo's Cultural Movement of the Peripheries, Occupations' Bloc