The Third Report of the Global Observatory on Local Democracy and Decentralization (GOLD III) is dedicated to the issue of basic services. The report, entitled “Basic Services for All in an Urbanizing World”, is unique in its scope, having drawn on the expertise of a wide range of regional and local practitioners, politicians and academics over the three years of its preparation. Moreover, the publication provides a wide analysis about the state of basic services for each European country.

GOLD III highlights the common challenges that local governments across the world face in balancing the financial sustainability of services with affordability for their residents. It explains how rapid urbanization and demographic and environmental changes are posing radical new challenges to sustainable development, and warns that a failure to address the urban access issue will have serious repercussions for human wellbeing, environmental sustainability, and economic development.

However, GOLD III also offers a way forward. It demonstrates that basic service provision is best where empowered local governments have the authority, resources, and capacity to fulfil their responsibilities in service delivery

Chapter 4. Commoning
PDF icon #01 "Participatory neighborhood improvement programs: a way par excellence to promote greater urban and territorial equity from the bottom. Zooming onto Latin-American inspirational experience", by IRDPDF icon #02 "Experiences in informal settlement upgrading: Zimbabwe & Namibia", by SDIPDF icon #03 "Slum Upgrading in Latin America", by GPR2CPDF icon #04 "Una lucha por el hábitat, la dignidad y la igualdad", by Madre Tierra, FOTIVBA, HIC PDF icon #05 "Low-income housing finance from commercial banks in Nepal", by ACHRPDF icon #06 "Developing pathways to urban sanitation equality – a case study of the simplified sewerage solution in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania", by CCIPDF icon #07 "Cities for the Right to Housing: The role of rights-inspired local action in addressing the housing crisis in the COVID-19 era", by UCLG CSIPDHRPDF icon #08 "The Community Land Trusts movement in Europe: implementing public-civic partnerships in the production of affordable housing", by FMDVPDF icon #09 "Formalising land tenure without displacement: the Community Land Trust in informal urban contexts", by urbaMonde, CoHabitat NetworkPDF icon #10 "The Right to Remain in Place", by GPR2CPDF icon #11 "Commoning for land and housing in Yangon", by ACHRPDF icon #12 "Urban commons and urban commoning: political-legal practices from Naples, Bologna, and Turin", by the University of Salerno - Department of Political Science and CommunicationPDF icon #13 "Cultural Occupations: Common Spaces. A report on the Occupation Bloc’s construction within the Municipal Secretariat of Culture in São Paulo", by São Paulo's Cultural Movement of the Peripheries, Occupations' Bloc